Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rush Thinks Doctors Do It For Money

Today I heard Rush Limbaugh discussing health care reform on his radio show. In particular, he claimed if the system were reformed, physicians would earn less. This, in turn, would mean fewer talented people entering medical school.

Now, I like to believe most men and women who enter medicine as a profession do so because of a desire to help people. I don’t think they do it just to get rich.

I know it is a rigorous process getting through school and a residency, but there is some financial reward for the years of work and huge student loans necessary for many. I think we all want our doctors to be smart, so it should be tough.
Sure, there are a few jerks out there. However, most of the doctors I've encountered have been kind and caring men and women who care a great deal about their patients.

I guess Rush just doesn’t have as much faith in people.

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